Picking the right colours for your home

colorsMany of my clients really struggle with picking out colours for their home. There are so many choices, it can be impossible to know where to start. This blog aims to make these decisions easier. You don’t need to buy in lots of sample pots to paint on your wall as this creates too many choices from which to pick.

My tried and trusted method is taking inspiration from other features in the room. For example – simply start with a cushion, curtain fabric or a piece of art within the room and pick the colour from within these materials.

Once this is established my next tip is to marry this colour with the more expensive items in your room, e.g. Sofas, chairs, joinery and flooring to make sure that this will work with these existing features. It’s all about building up a story or a mood.

When you have your colours selected paint out the sample on to a piece of card and add samples of the fabric, pictures of the lights-furniture- flooring to the card.

This gives you a view of how all the materials and pieces will work together before you have actually spent any money and hence it saves you from making expensive mistakes.